Retail Point of Sale Extended Warranty Service Programs
Universal Administrators provides turnkey Point of Sale Extended Warranty Programs for retail customers. Newly purchased HVAC, appliances, electronics, furniture, fitness, lawn & garden products, can be covered by flexible warranty programs that allow for various lengths of coverage.

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Warranty Programs
Universal Administrators provides turnkey, Inboard Extended Warranty Programs for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).

Manufactured Home Extended Warranty Programs
Manufactured homes account for approximately one third of the homes in the United States. The homes range in price from about $80,000 to over $150,000 and offer a very large market opportunity for extended warranty programs.

Deregulated Service Contract Programs
Utility & Service Providers offer monthly service contracts to their customers. With a client base in place, a marketing arm working and a billing vehicle running on a monthly schedule, the opportunity to offer an outstanding value in home services contracts is exceptional.