Deregulated Service Contract Programs
Deregulation, what a wonderful concept! Deregulation coupled with free enterprise spurs competition, promotes quality, and generally protects the best interest of consumers. It also allows utility companies and service providers to entice their client base with products and services related and unrelated to their core business offerings.
With a client base in place, a marketing arm working and a billing vehicle running on a monthly schedule, the opportunity to offer an outstanding value in home services contracts is exceptional.
Universal Administrators provides turnkey Home Services Contract Programs for service provider customers. HVAC, appliances, water heaters, electronics, fitness equipment and lawn & garden products can be covered by flexible service contract programs that allow various lengths of coverage, normally from 1 to 3 years renewable. The service contracts provide high value to the customer in terms of security and peace of mind. They provide high profit margins to the deregulated service provider with minimal marketing and sales resources required. Years of actuarial experience assure low insurance risk, resulting in attractive profits for the underwriters.
As third party administrator, Universal Administrators sets up the entire program. Ongoing, UA efficiently manages the contracts, premiums and reserves, call center, customer service, and claims processing.
Additional benefits include actuarial and market analysis reporting. Besides monitoring program performance, these reports can be applied to retail market and product repair issues.
Universal Administrators claims processing and adjudication experience ensures high customer satisfaction and fair claims payment. UAs expertise reflects favorably on the service provider reputation while eliminating improper payouts.
Value added Home Service Contract Programs from Universal Administrators ensure a superior, profitable competitive edge for all participants. The programs are proven to perform as promised. We draw upon over two decades of successful experience!

Your business is unique! Let Universal Administrators build a program that fits your needs:
- Retail Point of Sale Extended Warranty Service Programs
- Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Warranty Programs
- Manufactured Home Extended Warranty Programs